Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Pizza and mushroom day!

Ymmy funnel chantarelles Tom and Emma picked fried in butter with fresh onions.

My random homemade pizza which I topped with...

... chantarelles, onions, cheese, zucchini, mussels and ham with a generous lashing of TABASCO! Mmmm... It was so big that I couldn't finnish it all off.

Happy Monday Food

I made a bowl of chicken Korma salad before we went to visit Tom and Emma.

Tom 'made' me taste some cheeses...

Old Dutch Master. My favorite of them all!!

Delicious blue cheese... mmm...

Handfull of sour cream chips.

The skins of the 1 1/2 garlic and blue cheese saussages I had as an evening snack. The skins are ALWAYS the best ^.^

Monday, September 1, 2008


... I went through a MASSIVE bowl of home made salad which was made up of...

beans, potatoes, onion, garlic, curry and chili...

... and Lidl ham + lettuce.

And of course I had about a handful of wasabi peas :D

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Picnic Food

Today we went on a short hike to Makkarajärvi. So, in true food lover style we packed a delicious picnic.

Wasabi peas (again... I love those things!)

Salad with green beans stir-fried in soy sauce and wasabi (I sense a trend) and Lidl smoked diet ham which regardless of being 'healthy' was very delicious.

My calcium supplements which I keep forgetting to eat and/or photograph.

We found mushrooms on our outing! So, I fried those with onions and garlic. I made chicken korma (the sauce was from a jar... yes I am slightly ashamed) with boiled organic potatoes from Samuli's parents' farm and no matter what I did I could not make it look appetizing in that picture...but trust me, it was good (even if I say so myself).

And then I had a light cider while we watched Bones.

Friday, August 29, 2008

I've been snacking...

Half a slice of some lovely mutton ham Tom made me eat...

... and deliciously crispy and spicy wasabi peas!

Delicious Sushi Time!

Today was special since Tom and Emma came to kick some tenant ass. Unfortunately the tenant had run off before my foot could connect with his ass. To make up for being scammed my we went to Maruseki, to drown our sorrow with sushi.

I had a big glass of sparkling Vichy water.

We were there at lunch time and so the sushi included a little salad with mixed greens, seaweed and soy sauce.

... And miso soup which I ate for once since I was so hungry. To be honest it was much better than I had remembered miso soup to be. Then again it had mushrooms so how could I have not liked it.

I ordered choice E which was 10 delicious salmon nigiris. Mmm... so good and sooooo filling!

For desert we decided to try the matcha milkshake which I split with Samuli. It had a very interesting taste. It was worth trying but I'm not sure if it was something I would order again.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Forest berry flavored mineral water.

Vitamin tablet.

Salad with fried (no butter/oil) cherry tomatoes, mushroom, onion, garlic and local chorizo saussage. The sausage gave the salad a nice spicy taste. Samuli has taken meat to Veljekset Mattila (the company that made the sausages) and I just cheked and they have lots of other products, however the chorizo was a seasonal thing. I wonder why there are so many sausage makers around Tampere... not that I'm complaining.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

In the land of overeating I'm a happy bunny :)

Tea, egg, grapes, carrot and random smattering of vitamin suplements.

Thirst quenching forest fruit flavored mineral water :)

Being stuffed full of food at Samuli's grandparent's place. Ham, carrot stuff = porkkanalaatikko, turnip, buttermilk 'bread' thing = piimärieska, potatoes with meat sauce = karjalanpaisti. (Had several helpings of the buttermilk thing and turnip).

Dessert part 1: Rice pudding with berry sauce.

Dessert part 2: Vanilla ice cream with chocolate.

More piimäriseka topped with butter + egg mixture = munavoi. And tea.

Mini tomatoes picked straight off the vine. Mmmm... like candy!

Dinner at a rest stop Hesburger. I had a chicken burger and we split the fries + drink. And for once the fries were good!

Tuesday Food!

Strange breakfast. Potato from my 'in-laws' potato field. Pork steak was marinated and cooked by me! And the salad was made by my 'father-in-law'...

Juice and cake at Samuli's grandmother's.

Mini potatoes grown by the in-laws, picked by me and cooked by Sonja. The weird brown stuff is my mushroom sauce. The bread is made by my fiancé's grandmother (not the one we had juice and cake with). The weird sausage is a Tapola Aurela (blue cheese). And that green stuff is my attempt at eating... well... green things.

More green things... i.e. cucumber with herb salt.

Evening snack of seeeeeeds! That apparently give you gas... hmm...

... more evening snacking!! So, much for healthy eating... chips, steak and cheddar dip!